Jennifer Aniston vs. Bill O’Reilly

FoxNews likes to make something out of nothing every chance they can get. Bill O’Reilly in particular likes to tell people to “shut up.” If you haven’t seen OutFoxed, please Netflix it now.

While promoting The Switch, a film about artificial insemenation, Jennifer Aniston made the following comment:

“Women are realizing more and more that you don’t have to settle, they don’t have to fiddle with a man to have that child.”

O’Reilly and his Barbie wanna be minions, Hoover and Carlson, went on the offensive attacking Aniston in ways that are just plain wrong and ignorant. O’Reilly is upset that the actress is diminishing “the role of the dad” and that she is telling 12 year old girls  it’s okay if they don’t have fathers for their children. Way to take a comment out of context.

Making light of Aniston’s personal life and calling her a “41 year old single woman” is honestly so 1950s. Just because a woman does not marry does not make her any less of a woman. Carlson further stated “Why would you want that?” in regards to being a single mother or in a same sex relationship.

FoxNews wants to further push their ideologies that women are supposed to marry men and make babies. If not they must either be insane, gay, or a danger to society with their views. Give me a break!

Aniston made a simple and TRUE comment. Women DON’T need men anymore.  They can find alternate means to creation. It can be by unfortunate circumstances, by choice, or even lack of desire but the fact that they still want to have a family really says something about them. These women have hearts and love that they want to give to a child. Just because they don’t want to wait to share that with a man who will likely abandon them one way or another doesn’t make them any less woman; it makes them admirable.

I am Team Aniston on this one.